S Model Transformer
What's a transformer?
Transformator is a device in which the variable current of one voltage is converted into the variable current of another voltage. At the same time, the conversion of the current force is also taking place: if the transformer increases the voltage, the current force is reduced.
The transformer is a steel heart with two cartridges with a wet. One of them is called primary, the other is secondary. In the case of an alternating current on the primary lipstick in the heart, there is a variable magnetic flux that triggers an EDF in the secondary rim. The power in the secondary rim not connected to the energy chain is zero. If the chain is connected and the consumption of electricity occurs, the power of the current in the primary rim is increased proportionally according to the law of energy conservation. Thus, there is a transformation and distribution of electricity.
The transformer schematic device is shown in the figure.
Two racks are located on the common heart (usually transformative steel). One of the I-called primary thrusters is the variable current I1 under U1. This flow creates in the heart a variable magnetic flux that changes in its size and direction in accordance with changes in current I1. The removable magnetic flow extends the turn of the second rim II, called secondary rim, and injects a certain variable ESL in each of its branches. Since all the turns of the refrigeration II are connected consecutively, the individual EBUs of each turn are folded and the ends of the secondary rim are produced by a total EDF, as well as a variable in size and direction.
Typically, the transformers are designed so that the stress drop in the secondary rim is small (about 2 to 5 per cent); therefore, with a known assumption, it can be accepted that the U2 end of the secondary hull is equal to its EDF. This U2 voltage will be so many times greater (or less) the primary wet voltage U1 for how many times the number of turns n2 of the secondary wet is greater or less) the number of turns n1 of the primary.
On the other hand, the dock in the secondary rim I2 shall be so many times less (or more) the current of the primary rack I1 when the number of turns n2 of the secondary uterus is greater than or less) the number of turns n1 of the primary.