

T-75 Transformer

T-75 Transformer

The use of our transformers is possible not only in multi-point contact welding machines and single-point welding plants, such as MT, MT, IMS, APC, ITD, etc. TC is used successfully to float glass-composer and baslt, and to heat the concrete in construction at a cold time of the year. In July 2016, we launched a serial manufacture of transformers of TV75. We…

Nominal Power Of Transformers

Nominal Power Of Transformers

The main parameters of the transformer are the rated power, nominal primary and secondary voltages, transformation factor, short circuit voltage, idle loss and short circuit loss. The nominal power of the transformer is determined by its thermal mode. This is the power which the transformer can give long at nominal ambient temperature conditions which are regulated…

Ekaterinburg Transformers

Ekaterinburg Transformers

Transformator is a static electromagnetic device designed to transform electricity and transmit it from one chain to another using magnetic-linked circuits. The transformers may be divided into power, co-consistent, measuring. Power transformers feed electronic circuits with a given voltage and at the same time galvanically connect the primary and secondary circuits…

High Voltage Transformers

High Voltage Transformers

Sil Cars are Toshiba. High-voluntary transformers are a joint venture (JS) of the UAO Force Machinery and Toshima Corporation. The project began in September 2011 with the signing of an agreement between companies to establish an SP and to build a factory in the Russian territory to manufacture and supply force transformers. The share of Silver Machines in…

Transformator Work

Transformator Work

In the loading mode, unlike the idle mode, the electric energy consumer joins the secondary rim of the transformer. Thus, the electrical circuits of the primary and secondary rims are closed and the variable currents flow in both rims. Modified currents create the magnetic power of the primary and secondary flow of the transformer. The amplitudes of the magnetic…

Tms 1,000

Tms 1,000

Power oil transformers 630/6(10), TMZ 1/6(10), TMZ 1600/6(10), TMZ 2500/6(10) The power oils, which lower the three-phase double-tracks, with the protection of the oil, transformers ranging from 630 to 250 kVA voltage to 10 kV, are intended for transformative substations of the interior and outer unit. The power transformers of the TEM are produced by the primary…

Borobijan Force Transformation Plant

Borobijan Force Transformation Plant

Birobijan power transformers factory. Photo: From the IA archives of EAOMedia on 14 March, EAOMedia. The Transformer Production Group is negotiating the sale of the Birobijan power transformers. The fifth owner change plant is expected to take place in April 2017, and the new owner of the enterprise may become a businessman from Vladivostok, and the EAOMedia…

Light Transformers

Light Transformers

1 050th furnace

Chinese Transformers

Chinese Transformers

Transformers of railway substations are intended to be used on substations to reduce the voltage of the main electric grid 110-500 kV to the contact voltage level (usually 27 or 27.5 kV). The enterprise produces one- or three-phase, two- or three-way transformers of this type. In the latter case, one secondary moor is used to feed the contact network and the…

Transformer For 12 Volts

Transformer For 12 Volts

The moderator linearly reduces the output voltage and reduces the output flow. The power source is made of aluminium hull, ventilated. Under the correct installation and conditions of use, the power supply is up to 300 to 400, hours. When selecting the power source, it is necessary to leave 20 per cent of the power supply. It is designed to connect the light-band…

Transformer Or Inverator

Transformer Or Inverator

Invertible welds are now very popular and affordable. And despite their positive qualities, they, like any other electronic device, sometimes fail. In order to repair the welding machine inverter, at least a superficial knowledge of its device and its main functional units is needed. In the first two parts, TELWIN Tecnica 144-164 will be described. The third…

T-3Sh Transformer

T-3Sh Transformer

In the creation of this forcer, the aim was to make as simple as possible a design with good parameters and a decent design suitable for repetition by starters. Only the ready-to-read (network and weekend transformers, drossel) of the last centurys household bulbs are used in the assiliator. The schema of one of the powerer channels is shown in rice. 1. The input…

Transformer Serves

Transformer Serves

Rhys. 1. The diagram and the vector diagram of the voltage transformer: a - diagram, b is the vector diagram of voltage, into the vector diagram of voltage during the operation of the voltage transform without error, its primary and secondary voltages coincide with the phase as shown in the figure. 1, 6, and their ratio is Kn. In the transformation factor Kn=1…

Protection Of Transformers

Protection Of Transformers

The simplest diaph nozzle schema is a differentiational thickness that is applied when it meets the requirements of sensitivity. If this condition is not met, the longitudinal defensorship uses a relay like a NT. RNT relays have saturated transformers (NTs) that reduce the currents caused by the currents of moisture and the currents of inequilibrium during the…

Uniform Transformer

Uniform Transformer

Virtually all Neck TN series transformers are suitable for use as a day off in two-track light rays with low-voltage, so-calledfluxlamps. And the presence of four day-to-day mosses in the TNs provides an opportunity, both for interesting schematic decisions and for the creation of high-quality boosters on their base. Standard TNx-127/220-50 of the High Volts…

Programme Transformator Calculation

Programme Transformator Calculation

A programme that enables the calculation of impulse transformers of two-track converters. ExcellentIT has a fairly convenient graphic interface: all information is provided on one work window divided into three parts: initial data, transformer design and magnetic wire. This software works with two-stroke bridges, half-seaters and push-pull power converters. A…

Electronic Transformer Diagram For Halogen Lamps

Electronic Transformer Diagram For Halogen Lamps

Electronic transformers are replaced by large transformers with steel hearts. The electronic transformer itself, unlike the classic, is a whole device, a voltage converter. This is the JINDEL electronic transformer (GET-03 model) with short circuit protection. As we can see, the diagram is quite simple and collected from radios that can easily be found in any…

S Model Transformer

S Model Transformer

What is a transformator, a device in which the variable current of one voltage is converted into a variable current of another voltage. At the same time, the conversion of the current force is also taking place: if the transformer increases the voltage, the current force is reduced. The transformer is a steel heart with two cartridges with a wet. One of them…

Ts-1-9 Transformer

Ts-1-9 Transformer

In many years, sound engineering has accumulated a large number of technical solutions that yield excellent results, but despite many designers (not only radios but also large firms) are returning to the source, as simple as possible in terms of schematics, but at the same time, to the most effective solutions that allow quality sounding. One of these designs…



In recent years, there has been some sort of mystic and mysteriousness, knowledge that is accessible only to the elected. Part of it is, but Methodologies for the engineering calculation of transformers were developed more than half a century ago and there have been no significant changes in these years only in the use of new magnetic materials of higher quality…

Transformer's Heart

Transformer's Heart

Transformator s heart section is a very important parameter. The magnetic flux created in the heart of the transformer, other than the number of turns of the primary wet and its current, is influenced and the size of the heart. If the transformer has a small cardiac size, it is not possible to create a large magnetic flux in such a cardiac and it will not be…