Kolchugi Factory
The Kolchugi mill for the processing of non-ferrous metals was founded on 6 May 1871 at the Yuriyev-Pol County of Vladimir Guberia at a paper factory. In the first year of its existence, the factory released 60,000 beads of finished goods: latuna leaflets, copper and latuna wire, and soon it becomes one of Russia ' s best manufacturing plants. In 1903, over 60 per cent of all orders for copper and latuna were handed over to the enterprise.
1923 - 1958
In the first years, the Soviet authorities had embarked on new cesses, which had established better equipment. The main challenge facing the plant was to free the country from importing scarce materials from non-ferrous metal. In September 1922, under the direction of the main metallurg V.A. Butalova, the first domestic wing metal was produced at the factory, named after its collugalluminium creators. In 1924, the first Soviet-owned AST-2 aircraft was constructed. In 1926, colchugine metallurgs were the first time in the country to develop a hot roll of Latin.
In 1930, Miller ' s factory engineer receives a new iron and copper alloy from which bimetallic sheets and tapes are produced. It helped save the State hundreds of thousands of rubles.
At the same time, the discovery of the secret of the manufacture of underground stones for electrical furnaces that had previously been imported from Germany.
Work is continuing to develop new alloys and products for critical sectors of the nation ' s economy. Since 1934, a series of electrical alloys - alumel, chromel, constanta, magnanine etc. are being developed to produce domestic accurate devices.
In subsequent years, the plant ' s team is inspiring the production of drip pipes for the aviation industry, various products from the beryllium bronze. The enterprise wins solid glory. In the early 1950s, for the first time in the USSR, the Kolchugin plant is processing the production of titanium and zironium alloys required for aircraft and nuclear power. In all businesses, new equipment is being introduced and progressive technologies are being developed. Enter the construction of a rolling suite No. 6, piping machine No. 3.
1958 - 2012
A float of flat LC 59-1 slits was developed and implemented in 1958 to produce tapes.
In 1966, in advance of the tasks of the seven-year plan, the factory is infested by the Order of the Labour Red Knowledge. Four employees of the enterprise were awarded the title " Green Socialist Labour " , and several were awarded the Lawreat of the State Prize.